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New York will grow an offshore wind field

New York will grow an offshore wind field
wind turbine

Andrew Cuomo, New York Governor, has signed contracts for the construction of two offshore wind farms off Long Island with a total capacity of 1.7 GW. Their opening is expected within five years and will make this state the national leader in wind power at sea.

While the Trump administration has frozen the Obama sanctions on the consumption of motor vehicles, the State of New York - among others - continues its efforts to achieve its ecological objectives.

New York State in the race for clean energy

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an ambitious bill on 18 July for his state. The goal is to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, with the interim target of reducing them by 40% by 2030. 

The text also provides specific targets for each type of clean energy. used. Thus, distributed solar energy will have to reach 6 GW by 2025, while wind energy will have to reach a capacity of 9 GW by 2035. 

In addition to improving energy efficiency and storage, the project of law provides for the total elimination emissions from electricity generation by 2040. Finally, it specifies that the abandonment of fossil fuels should primarily benefit poor communities, disproportionately affected by environmental problems.

Opening of two offshore wind farms within five years

To achieve these goals, the State of New York has signed contracts for two offshore wind farms with a total capacity of 1.7 GW - which could make it a national leader in this field. Both parks will be located off Long Island and are expected to open within five years. The sites will be carried out by Norwegian and Danish companies. 

While offshore wind is still a source of expensive electricity - unlike onshore wind - its cost is dropping drastically, thanks to technology development efforts in Europe. In addition, Andrew Cuomo hopes that this law will encourage other states and other countries to follow this path. 

" [ This law ]will also foster the development of green technologies and sustainable practices in the private sector, which can have far-reaching repercussions, such as reducing the cost of renewable energy components, job creation, and tax revenues. New York. 

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