اعلان راس الصفحة

A TER does not always emit less CO2 than a car or a bus!

SNCF train diesel-logo

In its report on the state of preparation of the TER lines to competition, the Court of Auditors makes a vitriolic analysis of the mismanagement of this mode of transport and reveals that its ecological character is sometimes put into perspective on the low-frequented lines. ...

The Cour des Comptes draws a damning picture of the management of TER (Express Regional Transport), pointing both to the responsibility of the regional councils and SNCF Mobilités. The Sages denounce a deteriorating quality of service, the low productivity of agents, and increasingly subsidized mode of transport, declining attendance, and a lack of preparation for the next opening to competition, etc.

TERs also have an environmental impact

While these various points have been extensively detailed in the press, an important passage in this report has, however, been little mentioned: the climate impact of TERs. In Chapter II, which denounces the constant rise in operating costs, and overall spending subsidized to nearly 90%, the Court also points to "negative externalities".

To understand, it must be remembered that of the 20,000 kilometers of railways allowing the TER to circulate, only about 12,000 were electrified (57% of the total). Non-electrified parts, which require the use of fossil fuels, often correspond to "small lines"the least frequented. This conjunction of diesel fuel and a too-small number of passengers can make rail regional transport less virtuous.

To illustrate the phenomenon, the Court of Auditors cites a telling example: "A diesel TER carrying 10 passengers between Saumur and La Roche-sur-Yon emits 539 g of CO2 per passenger-kilometer, which is pollution five times higher than car occupied by 1.9 passengers". For these 10 passengers, taking the car would be more or less the same ...

When does TER stop being environmentally friendly?

The comparison of the different modes of transport (TER electric, TER diesel, car, private car, carpooling), carried out with the data of ADEME and the SNCF, allows users to visualize the vehicles to be preferred according to the traffic and of food.

If the TER is electric, it is always preferable to all other modes of transport. If the TER runs on diesel, it is desirable only if you embark on a large number of passengers. On the other hand, a quasi-desert diesel TER is to be avoided for people who care about their CO2 emissions: carpooling or a bus becoming more interesting options in terms of climate.

The Court of Auditors recalls in passing the regions that the"Trains are only of ecological interest if they carry a sufficient number of passengers, preferably on an electrified network", and invites them to take them into account in their investment choices ...

Source: Court of Auditors

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